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China Hopes To Synergize Development Strategies With Jamaica: Chinese FM


 January 22nd, 2024  |  08:36 AM  |   228 views



 China hopes to work with Jamaica to synergize development strategies, expand cooperation in various fields, enhance people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and consolidate the public opinion foundation for China-Jamaica friendship, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Saturday.


Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remarks in a meeting with Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness, which was also attended by Jamaica's ministers of foreign affairs, finance, health and infrastructure.


Holness recalled that in 2009, he had the honor of receiving Xi Jinping who visited Jamaica as Chinese vice president and that in 2019, he and President Xi jointly announced upgrading bilateral relations to a strategic partnership.


Asking Wang to convey his sincere greetings to Xi, Holness said that China did not hesitate to lend a helping hand when Jamaica encountered difficulties, which has strongly supported Jamaica's economic development and improvement of people's lives, and vividly demonstrated China's sincere will to help developing countries.


Jamaica will continue to firmly adhere to the one-China policy, give priority to the relationship between Jamaica and China, and strive to build a strong strategic partnership between the two countries, the prime minister stressed.


Wang conveyed Xi's cordial greetings, noting that China appreciates Jamaica's firm adherence to the friendly policy towards China and the one-China principle, and thanks Jamaica for understanding and supporting China in safeguarding its core interests.


China advocates that all countries, big or small, are equal and respects Jamaica's choice of a system and way of life with its own characteristics, Wang said.


China supports Jamaica in safeguarding its sovereignty, independence, and national dignity and playing a more important role in regional and international affairs, Wang added.


Wang said that the Belt and Road cooperation between China and Jamaica has achieved fruitful results and has broad prospects.


Briefing the Jamaican side on China's development achievements and centenary goals, Wang said that China is accelerating Chinese modernization and is willing to provide a useful reference for developing countries that hope to achieve rapid development while maintaining independence.


The two sides can share experience in state governance and achieve common development, he added.


Holness said that Chinese modernization has set a benchmark for high-quality development. Noting he has witnessed China's adherence to the principle of equality and treating small and medium-sized countries sincerely, he firmly believes that China will continue to play a leading role in responding to global challenges.


On the same day, Wang also held talks with Jamaican Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Kamina Johnson Smith.




by Xinhua News Agency


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