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  Home > Health

Drinking Three To Four Cups Of (Real) Coffee A Day Can Reduce Your Risk Of Diabetes By 25%

News Target | Natural News


 April 22nd, 2024  |  00:36 AM  |   311 views



Coffee lovers, your drink is more than just an energy booster. A literature review from the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (ISIC) has revealed that drinking three to four cups of coffee every day cuts your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.


Despite being highly preventable, diabetes prevalence has been increasing more rapidly over the years. Diabetes currently affects more than 425 million people globally. This disease is one of the leading causes of many other diseases, such as blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks, stroke, and lower limb amputation. One of the ways to prevent the disease is by following a healthy lifestyle that helps prevent weight gain through diet and exercise.


For this literature review, the researchers gathered 30 studies that involved almost 1.2 million people. Led by Mattias Carlstrom, the report found that the anti-diabetic effect of coffee consumption was slightly higher in women than in men. The results showed that drinking three cups of coffee was linked to a 27 percent lower diabetes risk. For every additional cup consumed, the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes declined by up to seven percent. Espressos, lattes, and cappuccinos were all found to be beneficial. It also did not matter whether the coffee was caffeinated or not; coffee still exhibited its protective effects -- as long as it wasn't tainted with sugar or syrup.


The researchers believe that the compounds in coffee, such as trigonelline, cafestol, caffeic acid, and chlorogenic acid, are responsible for its protective effect against diabetes, although they are still unsure how they exactly work. Still, they suggest that they may have an antioxidant or anti-inflammatory effect on the body.


Earlier studies have shown that chlorogenic acid and trigonelline administration may dramatically reduce early glucose and insulin responses. The researchers also hypothesized that coffee can increase the diversity of the microbiome. They  suggested that cafestol may increase insulin and improve glucose uptake in muscles. (Related: Coffee consumption linked with reduced diabetes risk (but watch out for added fat and sugar).)



Other benefits you can get from drinking coffee


Coffee has been extensively studied for its health benefits, such as:


Fighting oxidative stress: Coffee is rich in antioxidants, which are responsible for most of its health benefits. Antioxidants protect the cells from being oxidized by toxins, chemicals, and inflammation.


Prolonging life span: A study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine reports that consuming three cups of coffee daily could help you live longer by reducing your risk of death from various causes, such as heart disease.


Boosting metabolism: Studies have shown that the caffeine in coffee may moderately increase your metabolic rate, which can also help the body burn fat both during activity and when resting. For this reason, researchers believe that caffeine can potentially be used for the prevention and treatment of obesity.


Preventing Alzheimer's disease: Some studies have shown that drinking coffee can protect against neurodegenerative diseases, such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Research has reported that drinking three to five cups of coffee each day during middle-aged years was linked to nearly 65 percent lower risk of dementia and Alzheimer's.


Read more news stories and studies on the health benefits of coffee by going to FoodIsMedicine.com.





courtesy of NATURALNEWS

by Michelle Simmons


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