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Its A Funny World

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Goat Hops Into Police Car, Eats Paperwork And Knocks Over Officer

Somebody stop me! (Picture: Douglas Country Sheriff’s Office)


 December 29th, 2020  |  17:13 PM  |   810 views




The goat on its rampage

Somebody stop me! (Picture: Douglas Country Sheriff’s Office)



A troublemaker climbed into a police car, started to chew up paperwork left there – and then headbutted the officer when she tried to intervene.


They weren’t even arrested, despite the whole incident being caught on bodycam footage.


That’s because it was a goat, and therefore not subject to criminal laws.


Video footage shows how the officer was surprised to see an uninvited guest in the patrol car, snacking on paperwork she had left there.


As she tries to shoo it away and wrestle the paper from its mouth, it butts her and knocks her over.


The rampage was posted on the local police force’s Facebook page.



The goat eating paperwork

Tasty (Picture: Douglas County Sheriff’s Office)


Georgia’s Douglas County Sheriff’s Office wrote on Saturday: ‘To explain what you are about to see, the deputy went to a residence to serve some civil papers.


‘The deputy explained that due to the number of houses she visits daily, she routinely leaves her vehicle’s door open because she has had to retreat on a number of occasions from vicious dogs.


‘Never once did she expect or even consider what was about to happen this day!


‘Even though she was knocked to the ground she was not physically harmed in the incident. At the end of the day we all got a little laugh out of it and we hope you do as well!’


Responding to the clip, several people joked that the officer would have had to go back to the station with an excuse similar to: ‘The dog ate my homework’.


Luckily for her, she wasn’t injured and the video was proof there really was a marauding goat chewing up the paperwork.



courtesy of METRO

by Jen Mills


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