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NCB Highlights Growing Trend of Ermin-5 Abuse

In attendence was guest of honour Awang Hanapi bin Mohd Siput, the Acting Penghulu of Mukim Labi (CENTRE)|PHOTO COURTESY: PELITA BRUNEI (Ak. Syi'aruddin Pg. Dauddin)


 August 10th, 2016  |  05:43 AM  |   1348 views



Brunei Darussalam is seen a growing trend in the misuse of Erimin-5 among youngsters, the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) said yesterday.


Erimin-5 or its pharmaceutical name 'Nimetazepam' is as a recreational drug in the form of pills that are usually abused by youngsters who frequent night clubs, Dayang Hajah Norhayani binti Abdullah, an NCB Officer, said in a media interview yesterday.


She was speaking on the sidelines of the 'Program Awasi Anak Kitani' organised by the Community Relations Unit under the Nationhood and Community Division of the Information Department at the Multi purpose Hall in Mukim Labi in the Belait District.


Held in collaboration with the NCB, the event aimed to increase awareness of parents regarding the dangers of the misuse of drugs that could affect their children.


The guest of honour was Awang Hanapi bin Mohd Siput, the Acting Penghulu of Mukim Labi.


The dangerous thing about Erimin-5 is that it is tasteless, Hajah Norhayani. When it is dissolved in drinks, you won't be able to tell the difference, she added.


She said that anyone who ingests Erimin-5 can pass out and have no recollection of events the next day. "You could get raped and wake up not remembering anything," she added.


The NCB detected the existence of the pills through its operations about five years ago.


NCB statistics showed that 639 drug arrests were made in the whole year of 2015, in which Methylamphetamine is the most popular drug followed by cannabis and Erimin-5.


According to figures released by NCB in March 2016, Erimin-5 was the most confiscated drug in pill form in the Sultanate, compared to other drugs like ecstasy and ketamine. However, NCB said that 243 pills were confiscated last year which is a 58 per cent drop from the 584 pills seized in 2014.


"Erimin 5 has been reclassified and elevated to a Class B controlled drug in February 2012," Hajah Norhayani said. She said a person who is found in possession of a Class B controlled drug will face a maximum a penalty of 10 years' imprisonment, B$20,000 fine or both for the first offence.




by BruDirect.com


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