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  Home > Health

Eating Eggs Regularly Can Lower Your Risk Of Developing Age-Related Blindness, Researchers Find

News Target | Natural News


 December 16th, 2021  |  16:10 PM  |   603 views



Research suggests that regular consumption of eggs can lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This eye disease, which affects people over 50 years of age, is one of the leading causes of blindness among the elderly.


In their study, which was published in the journal Clinical Nutrition, researchers from Australia reported that of the 3,654 people they monitored over 15 years, those who ate between two to four eggs every week were 49 percent less likely to develop AMD than those who ate only one egg or none at all.


“The findings of this study are therefore important as they indicate a significant and independent association between the moderate consumption of eggs and lower risk of developing late AMD,” said Bamini Gopinath, a researcher from the University of Sydney and one of the authors of the study.



Good for your eyesight


Age-related macular degeneration is a chronic eye disease that makes you slowly lose central vision. This involves the deterioration of the macula, the part of the eye responsible for central vision. The macula is what allows people to recognize colors and clearly distinguish details.


The ability of eggs to reduce the risk of AMD could be due to the high amount of nutrients found in them. Eggs are a great source of eye-enriching carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin. These carotenoids help protect the macula from degeneration and can also prevent cataracts.


As you age, the lutein and zeaxanthin levels in your eyes drop significantly, increasing your likelihood of developing AMD. But lutein- and zeaxanthin-rich eggs offer a natural remedy to this and can be a great way of maintaining healthy levels of these helpful compounds.


Besides lutein and zeaxanthin, eggs also contain other nutrients that promote eye health. Although they offer no protection against AMD, vitamin A can help protect the corneas from getting damaged while zinc can keep the retinas healthy and help people see in the dark.



Not just the eyes


The health benefits of eggs aren’t limited to just the eyes. They’re also a great source of vitamins D, B2, B6, and B12. Eggs are also rich in protein and minerals like copper, iron, and zinc. This makes eggs an inexpensive nutritional powerhouse.


In a study published in the journal Pediatrics, researchers reported that introducing kids to eggs early — between six and nine months old — helps reduce the risk of stunted growth.


Meanwhile, another study from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that eating at least one egg per day reduces a person’s risk of having a stroke by 12 percent.


Another study, this time from China, found that moderate consumption of eggs is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.


All of these studies prove that eggs belong to the superfood category. However, just because they’re good for you doesn’t mean you should fry and eat a dozen eggs every day. While studies say eating three eggs per day isn’t harmful to your health, moderation when it comes to food is still important. Include eggs in a well-balanced diet to keep your eyes healthy as you age.



courtesy of NATURALNEWS

by Arsenio Toledo


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