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Outbreak Reported In Egypt: Mysterious Viral Illness May Be Similar To Dengue

News Target | Natural News


 July 30th, 2023  |  11:07 AM  |   505 views



The Ministry of Health and Population in Egypt has launched an investigation into a mysterious viral illness. The reported symptoms have been mild.


Reports show that the infections cause mild to moderate symptoms in most cases, including bone pain, fatigue and high fever. The health ministry added that these symptoms lasted from three to five days in all cases.


Some patients have also experienced other symptoms like nausea and vomiting.


The health ministry advised that these symptoms are common to other health issues like cold and influenza, gastroenteritis and fever, which can spread together with high water temperatures.


They advised patients to rest, stay hydrated and take fever reducers to address their symptoms.


According to a statement from the health ministry, citizens in Qena governorate, Upper Egypt, have complained about the "emergence of a mysterious disease" that already infected about 250 people in a village.


The statement also announced that the symptoms experienced by patients in al-Aleqat village do not have the same pattern, are all mild to moderate and do not require hospitalization.


For the last few weeks, many residents in al-Aleqat have reported their symptoms to local healthcare units. Experts suspect an outbreak of dengue fever in the area.


However, tests conducted by the ministry on infected patients have not confirmed its presence so far.


A report has also revealed that health ministry teams have taken samples of the virus from those thought to be infected as well as local water sources for testing. The teams will follow up on the situation and conduct field investigations to compare suspected cases.


The teams also took samples from mosquitoes and mosquito larvae for examination at the central laboratories of the health ministry. Test results have allegedly confirmed the presence of mosquitos transmitting dengue fever.


As of writing, the disease is under control, with more than 60 patients analyzed.



Russia cracks down on incoming flights from Egypt to prevent spread of infections


Following reports about the mysterious virus, Russia announced that it will clamp down on flights coming from Egypt.


Russia's sanitary watchdog, Rospotrebnadzor, enhanced security protocols for flights from Egypt on July 17 after the outbreak of the still unidentified disease.


Rospotrebnadzor also cautioned tourists planning to vacation in Egypt to wear protective clothing that fully protects the skin. Tourists were also advised to use mosquito repellents and put mosquito nets over doors and windows to avoid getting insect-borne infectious and parasitic diseases.


Tourists were also told to consult a doctor if they feel sick and to tell them where they come from after returning home.


Because the mysterious virus is similar to dengue fever, a mosquito-borne illness, Egyptian residents have been instructed to cover water sources and avoid contact with the insects until further tests are conducted.


According to the World Health Organization, dengue fever usually presents flu-like symptoms that last two to seven days. Dengue symptoms first emerge four to 10 days after an infected mosquito bite.



courtesy of NATURALNEWS

by Zoey Sky


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