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Man ‘Paid Flatmate £170 To Cut Off His Penis In Drunken Bid To Go Viral’

The Brit expat reportedly promised his flatmate more money if the footage went viral (Picture: Getty)


 April 28th, 2019  |  10:59 AM  |   1402 views



A British man allegedly paid his flatmate €200 (£170) to cut his penis off and promised him more if footage of the amputation went viral.


The 33-year-old English teacher was seen bleeding heavily in the northern Spanish city of Zaragoza last month, sparking a bizarre police investigation.


His mutilated penis was discovered in a bag at his home after officers reportedly followed a trail of his blood to his flat.


According to local reports an operation to reattach the man’s penis had been successful.


His flatmate was detained by police but the expat reportedly did not want to press charges and waived his right to compensation before flying back to Britain.


 It emerged this week that he offered the Spaniard money to carry out the stunt.


The unnamed Brit planned to film the amputation and share it online and would pay his flatmate more money if it proved a hit online, local paper Heraldo de Aragon reports.


It’s believed he promised him between €2,500 (£2,165) and €5,000 (£4,325) depending on the number of hits.


The footage is said to have been erased, although it was not made clear if was done before or after it went online. The pair reportedly drank four bottles of wine and took valium to muster up the courage before going through with the amputation. Police initially said the expat had harmed himself and were not looking for anyone else in connection with the incident.


But the case took a dramatic twist with the arrest of his flatmate on March 14, after a local paper claimed he had used a social networking app to search for someone to film him amputating his penis.


The 29-year-old Spaniard is being held in custody on suspicion of ‘serious assault’.


He is expected to be formally charged following an ongoing probe despite his alleged victim refusing to press charges.




courtesy of METRO

by Joe Roberts


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