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Watch Prince William Stand Up To Bullying In New Diana Award Campaign

Anti-Bullying Pro


 July 5th, 2016  |  08:52 AM  |   1484 views



Prince William is taking a stand against bullying in the U.K. and all across the world.


The Duke of Cambridge is featured in the first-ever National Stand Up to Bullying Day campaign in honor of The Diana Award.


The royal hosted a roundtable discussion about the cause with Diana Award supports and recipients earlier this summer, and filmed the following message to raise awareness to the anti-bullying campaign.


The Diana Award is a member of The Royal Foundation's Cyber Bullying Taskforce, a charity that was recently put together by Prince William.


"Bullying is an issue which can affect any one of us, regardless of age, background, gender, sexuality, race, disability or religion. It can happen for many reasons and is often stupid and cruel and can take many forms," he explains in the video campaign.



"The reach of technology means it can feel unrelenting, leaving the victim feeling attacked, powerless and isolated. For young people in particular, bullying can have a profoundly damaging and long-lasting affect."


Prince William goes on to explain that over 16,000 young people in the U.K. skip school due to bullying, "harming their education and their long-term prospects."


The Duke added, "It is important that we recognize that bullying is not just confined to the playground or classroom and it does not only affect children and young people. It exists all around us, in peoples' homes, in the workplace and in their wider communities… It is our collective responsibility to be alert and to be ready to challenge the behavior we see around us…and put a stop to bullying."




courtesy of E!ONLINE

by Lily Harrison


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