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Magnesium Oil Can Make You Less Stressed, Keep Your Heart Strong, And Improve Your Sleep


 December 19th, 2018  |  08:36 AM  |   288 views



Did you know that a magnesium deficiency can cause migraines? Thankfully, you can make a DIY magnesium oil that can ease migraines, improve sleep quality, and even help relieve stress.


The 6 health benefits of magnesium oil


The human body requires magnesium for more than 325 biochemical reactions. This nutrient keeps your heart rate steady, maintains healthy muscle and nerve functioning, and boosts bone health.


Magnesium deficiency has been associated with various health problems, such as:


Alzheimer’s disease


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Blood sugar swings


Heart disease









Magnesium oil is magnesium that’s dissolved into a liquid form. You can apply magnesium oil topically, so it’s absorbed through your pores, which has been proven “to have a better absorption rate than taking magnesium orally.”


Here are the six benefits of using magnesium oil topically.


It can balance your blood sugar. – Individuals with type 2 diabetes usually develop magnesium deficiencies. According to research, low magnesium is linked to both the development of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Experts say that this is due to intracellular magnesium (the magnesium inside your cells), which has a crucial role in regulating insulin. In turn, insulin is necessary for blood sugar balance.


It can improve sleep. – Magnesium is also essential for the regulation of your sleep cycles. Data from some studies suggest that patients “supplementing with magnesium experienced improved insomnia, better sleep efficiency, and reduced early morning awakening.”


It can lower high blood pressure. – Both calcium and magnesium are necessary for regulating blood pressure. According to research, a person with magnesium deficiency has higher calcium levels, and this can make their blood vessels constrict. This can then can aggravate high blood pressure. You need magnesium to keep your calcium ratio and blood pressure stable.


It can maintain heart health. – Based on studies with more than a million participants, an increase in magnesium intake is linked to a 22 percent reduction in risk of heart failure and a seven percent reduction in stroke risk. The researchers also noted that with every 100-milligram daily increase in magnesium, the participants reduced their risk of overall mortality by 10 percent.


It can reduce stress and anxiety. – Magnesium is needed in a pathway in the human body called the HPA axis or the “stress response” system. The HPA axis connects the pituitary gland in the brain to the hypothalamus and adrenals, and all three help control your responses to stressful situations. Study findings have revealed that when a magnesium deficiency disrupts this axis, you can experience behavioral changes and increased anxiety. By boosting your magnesium levels, you can reduce stress and anxiety.


It can reduce migraines. – Studies suggest that about 50 percent of patients have lowered levels of magnesium during a migraine attack, and a different study advised that “infusing your body with magnesium offers immediate and sustained relief from migraines.”


Recipe for DIY magnesium oil spray


To make your own magnesium oil spray, follow the recipe below.




Glass bowl

Spray bottle




1/2 cup distilled water

1/2 cup magnesium chloride flakes or Epsom salts




Boil the distilled water.

Add the magnesium flakes or salts to a glass bowl, then pour the boiling water on top.

Stir the mixture until the salt is completely dissolved, then let it cool.


Pour the mixture into the spray bottle and store at room temperature.


You can spray magnesium oil on any part of your body, such as your stomach, arms, or legs, daily. Ideally, you should do this before bed because magnesium has a relaxing effect. You’ll need at least 15 sprays for each application.


The magnesium might cause a tingly reaction after the first few applications, but your skin will get used to it in a bit. If it doesn’t, dilute the mixture with more water.



courtesy of NATURALNEWS

by Zoey Sky


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