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Its A Funny World

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Bear Falls Through Ceiling Into Kid’s Birthday Party, Eats All The Cake

Nom nom (Picture: Getty Images)


 June 30th, 2016  |  08:31 AM  |   1436 views



A bear randomly fell through the ceiling of a child’s birthday party – and proceeded to eat all of the cake.


The juvenile male black bear came crashing through the Alaskan family’s skylight, straight into the party of an infant called Jackson.


While the little boy and the bear stared at each other ‘in disbelief’, everyone else raced out of the room. Jackson’s grandparents quickly grabbed him and took him upstairs to safety.


The bear, meanwhile, seemed unphased. He stayed in the room for a while to eat the family’s lemon, blueberry and peanut butter cupcakes.


After the home owners Glenn Merrill and Alicia Bishop shooed the bear away, he very casually wandered out of the house.


Merrill told local paper Juneau Empire: ‘I was literally in the room and I heard this cracking. The next thing you know, there’s this bear that, I mean, literally fell right from [the skylight]. It was like one metre away from me.’


But that wasn’t the end of their encounter. Shortly afterwards, the bear poked his head around the window.


‘He was up by the window like, “I want more cupcakes”,’ Bishop said.


Weirdly, this kind of thing is not that uncommon in Alaska.


‘There probably isn’t a neighbourhood or place where we have homes where the potential isn’t there for you to run into a bear or observe a bear,’ Ryan Scott, from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, told CBC.


‘There is really no place where the potential isn’t there.’



courtesy of METRO

by Ashitha Nagesh


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